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DIY | Maker
DIY | Maker | Hack | Open Hardware | 3D Print | Bidouille
Curated by Pierre Tran
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Novena: Open Source Hardware PC start crowdfunding campaign !

Novena: Open Source Hardware PC start crowdfunding campaign ! | DIY | Maker |
The team that is building the Novena project is launching a crowdfunding campaign around the Novena open hardware computing platform. Originally, this started as a hobby project but by popular demand, they have prepared a crowdfunding offering and so everyone can contribute to the interesting
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Microscopic 3D printer makes magazine cover smaller than a grain of salt

Microscopic 3D printer makes magazine cover smaller than a grain of salt | DIY | Maker |

Scientists have used a new microscopic 3D printer to produce the world's smallest magazine cover, measuring 0.011 by 0.014 millimetres.

Benjamin Shingler, 25/04/2014

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Library's Maker Movement aims to inspire writers

Library's Maker Movement aims to inspire writers | DIY | Maker |

Nashville-area libraries embrace trendy Maker Movement, publishing ventures.

No more shushing? Local libraries, while still the quiet place to read and research, have jumped into experiences above a whisper. And that's not just for preschool story time Libraries are embracing collaborative creativity with "maker spaces" to build and create and with programs to help people publish.

Vicky Travis, 24/04/2014

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Raspberry Pi Hacking Made Easy! - YouTube

We have a fast and easy way to change the boot config options for your Raspberry Pi.
The Raspberry Pi's config.txt file has tons of options to choose from...but who has time to look up every single one? Enter PiCon--a cheap and easy configuration tool that makes configuring your Pi a breeze!

Tekzilla, 24/04/2014

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Des maisons de 200m2 imprimées en 3D pour 4 300€ !

Des maisons de 200m2 imprimées en 3D pour 4 300€ ! | DIY | Maker |

Il n'aura fallu qu'un seul jour pour fabriquer la première maison par impression 3D et c'est dans la ville de Shanghai que cela s'est passé il y a quelques semaines. C'est la société Shanghai WinSun Decoration Engineering Co qui est à l'origine de ce baptême dans l'industrie de la construction et explique travailler depuis plusieurs années sur la machine et les matériaux de construction.

Alexandre Martel, 15/04/2014

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Introduction to the Raspberry Pi for Developers

Introduction to the Raspberry Pi for Developers | DIY | Maker |
Last week Raspberry Pi launched a fantastic new website that really helps showcase their innovative and thought provoking product called the Raspberry Pi. This article introduces the new website, the Raspberry Pi and provides links to help you get into web development using your Pi.
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How open, commodity hardware is the next big thing

In the late 90s and early 2000s, the availability and maturity of open and free stack of web technologies greatly reduced the barrier of developing web-based software. Most of today’s big web companies were built on an open stack, including sites such as Facebook, Wikipedia, Twitter and others that created amazing value from open-source technologies.

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La Fabrication numérique [MOOC]

La Fabrication numérique [MOOC] | DIY | Maker |


“Passer d’une idée à un prototype en utilisant les nouveaux outils de la fabrication numérique“

Ce cours vous permettra de vous approprier les outils et les techniques de la fabrication numérique : Électronique, Arduino, Design, Objets connectés, Internet, Impression 3D...

Format : chaque semaine une vidéo courte vous permettra d’aborder un nouveau thème. Des exemples vous seront proposés pour la prise en main, des corrigés seront proposés. Mais surtout, vous échangerez avec les autres participants au travers de forums d’entraide, d’ateliers….

Vous êtes curieux, hobbyistes disposant d'une première expérience dans le développement informatique. Venez participer et échanger avec vos pairs et la communauté des Fablabs.

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Contour Crafting: How 3D Printing Will Change Construction

Contour Crafting: How 3D Printing Will Change Construction | DIY | Maker |
Contour crafting, a process similar to 3D printing, could change how we think about construction altogether.
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Imprimante 3D : Mode d’emploi : 3 dossiers pratiques

Imprimante 3D : Mode d’emploi : 3 dossiers pratiques | DIY | Maker |

Excellente idée du syndicat mixte Manche Numérique (soutien aux EPN du département) qui met à disposition 3 dossiers pratiques aux EPN et aux fablabs : 3 dossiers thématiques pratiques en libre accès pour se familiariser avec les imprimantes 3D et l’impression 3D.

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3D Printed Customisable Guitars

3D Printed Customisable Guitars | DIY | Maker |
If you haven’t already, then you must check out this website. The website is Odd Guitars, and they design and produce customisable, 3D printed guitars.
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Bientôt une imprimante 3D capable de produire des vêtements

Bientôt une imprimante 3D capable de produire des vêtements | DIY | Maker |

Electroloom est une imprimante 3D capable d'imprimer un tissu de polymère sous forme de feuilles et tubes. Pour l'instant, la matière s'apparente davantage à des fils de soie, mais l'entreprise éponyme annonce une imprimante aboutie qui permettrait d'imprimer toutes sortes de vêtements.

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Raspberry Pi Tablet -- The PiPad

Raspberry Pi Tablet -- The PiPad | DIY | Maker |
[Michael Castor] wanted a tablet, but not just any tablet. He wanted an all-in-one system running Linux, and he wanted it to look good. So he made himself a wooden PiPad. He started the project at ...
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DIY Google Glass puts a Raspberry Pi next to your eyeball

DIY Google Glass puts a Raspberry Pi next to your eyeball | DIY | Maker |

Maybe you’re not a fan of parting with $1,500 for an unproven piece of wearable tech, or you’d rather just build something yourself and play with it until the device suits your needs.

Russell Holly, 25/04/2014

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PiPhone - A Raspberry Pi based Smartphone

PiPhone - A Raspberry Pi based Smartphone | DIY | Maker |

Here’s my latest DIY project, a smartphone based on a Raspberry Pi. It’s called – wait for it – the PiPhone. It makes use an Adafruit touchscreen interface and a Sim900 GSM/GPRS module to make phone calls.

DAVEH, 25/04/2014

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The Universe of Things is coming and it's set to supercharge 3D printing

The Universe of Things is coming and it's set to supercharge 3D printing | DIY | Maker |

Forget plastic figures - you'll soon print a new printer, your dinner and a moon base.

Jamie Carter  17/04/2014

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CAD Software, 3D Printers Give Kids New-Aged Hands-On Experience

CAD Software, 3D Printers Give Kids New-Aged Hands-On Experience | DIY | Maker |

This school year, elementary and junior high students in the Howard-Winneshiek Community School District have had the opportunity to design three-dimensional prototypes via computer-aided design (CAD) software. Students have subsequently had the opportunity to print their designs off, in solid plastic form, with 3D printers. Now, high school students in the District will have the same opportunity.

Keri Schatz, 16/04/2014

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Apprendre à réparer pour moins consommer dans les « Repair Cafés »

Apprendre à réparer pour moins consommer dans les « Repair Cafés » | DIY | Maker |
Apprendre à réparer pour moins consommer dans les « Repair Cafés »
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Businesses, institutions adopting 3-D printers

Businesses, institutions adopting 3-D printers | DIY | Maker |
Falling prices entice businesses and institutions in the Lower Hudson Valley to see 3D printer possibilities
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Scientists trying to create human heart with 3D printer

Scientists trying to create human heart with 3D printer | DIY | Maker |

It may sound far-fetched, but scientists are attempting to build a human heart with a 3D printer.

Ultimately, the goal is to create a new heart for a patient with their own cells that could be transplanted. It is an ambitious project to first, make a heart and then get it to work in a patient, and it could be years -- perhaps decades -- before a 3D printed heart would ever be put in a person.

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7 Documentaries for the Open Hardware Entrepreneur

7 Documentaries for the Open Hardware Entrepreneur | DIY | Maker |

With the rise of the maker movement, many are trying to have a grasp at what open hardware, DIY and digital fabrication mean to society. Use some of your rare spare time to watch these documentaries. They will give you a clearer understanding of the concepts behind open source hardware and will inspire you to make projects and participate to the open hardware movement.

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Carte des Fablabs et Charte des FabLabs

Carte des Fablabs et Charte des FabLabs | DIY | Maker |

Pierre Tran's insight:

Qu'est-ce qu'un FabLab ?

La culture du hack

HackerSpaces et FabLabs

Présentation de quelques FabLabs


Charte des FabLabs

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Quels logiciels CAO / FAO / client utiliser avec votre imprimante 3D ?

Quels logiciels CAO / FAO / client utiliser avec votre imprimante 3D ? | DIY | Maker |
Il y a quatre étapes entre la conception et l'impression en 3D d'un objet : l'idée elle-même, le modèle numérique, le toolpath et enfin l'impression à proprement parler. Trois couches logicielles - CAO, FAO et le "client" - lient ces étapes. La plupart de ces logiciels sont gratuits, mais certains proposent une version Pro disposant de plus de fonctionnalités (c'est parfois cher). Comparatif des logiciels qui existent pour votre imprimante 3D.
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DIY Internet of things: The ultimate maker project

DIY Internet of things: The ultimate maker project | DIY | Maker |
With sensors and microcontrollers as cheap as they are, the Internet of things is poised for support from the maker crowd
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Impression 3D, mouvement « maker » : fabriquer la société de demain avec Mathilde Berchon

Impression 3D, mouvement « maker » : fabriquer la société de demain avec Mathilde Berchon | DIY | Maker |
"Le mouvement maker est né de l'idée de faire se rencontrer tous ceux qui aiment fabriquer avec leurs mains (ou avec des robots), créer et comprendre comment les choses fonctionnent pour mieux les modifier." explique Mathilde...
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