Personalize Learning (#plearnchat)
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Personalize Learning (#plearnchat)
What pathways are being designed in today's schools to personalize the learning experience?
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Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey!

A Weekly Reflection Tool for Student-led Learning

A Weekly Reflection Tool for Student-led Learning | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |

"This term, I have been trying to give my students more voice in our classroom learning environment with regards to the way we go about things and the tools we use to demonstrate our learning. I think this has stemmed from the Personalised Learning approach we have taken as a whole school this year, and my efforts to embed the purposeful engagement of the approach in every facet of my practice.


In this post I'd like to share a ten-minute, Friday afternoon tool that is promoting reflective thinking, goal setting and student voice with positive results in our classroom.


A Reflection, a Goal and a Wish


During the last hour on a Friday, students relax and choose their working space in the classroom. They then discuss and choose two relevant sentence starters that they finish in their learning diaries. Their learning diaries are accessible in the classroom whenever they need them to set goals or reflect."


Thank you Teddy in sharing your journey to personalise learning!

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Rescooped by Kathleen McClaskey from Making Learning Personal!

Finding Coherence with RtI and Personalized Learning

Finding Coherence with RtI and Personalized Learning | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |

One of the constant challenges facing educators is to find coherence in the work we are doing. We need to understand how our efforts relate to and support each other in pursuit of student learning.


Jim Rickabaugh is the Director of Institute @ CESA #1 in Wisconsin. "The relationship between efforts to implement Response to Intervention (RtI) systems and our work to personalize learning offers a good example of this dilemma." 


Rickabaugh explains ahow a split screen approach to leadership applies here. "The framework of a personalized learning approach enables educators to position intervention to occur as soon as the learner needs it. As a result, success is designed in from the beginning and learners are less likely to experience the loss of confidence that too often accompanies repeated failure to learn in the current system."

Via Barbara Bray
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Kevin McLaughlin Shares PJs: Personal Journeys | Bray

Kevin McLaughlin Shares PJs: Personal Journeys | Bray | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |
Kevin McLaughlin is a primary teacher in the Old Mill Primary School in the UK who shares how he transformed his classroom to a personalized learning environment.


In a recent interview, Kevin shared his vision of personalized learning, the steps he took to create this new learning environment and how he redesigned his classroom based on how learners interact with each other.  Read this inspirational interview and discover why “It’s never been a better time to be a teacher/learner.”


Here is a small excerpt on Kevin's vision:


"What is your vision of personalizing learning?

I have envisaged personalised learning in my classroom as one that involves every learner in the development of their learning journey, that includes their own learning themes as well as those that the curriculum requires of them and allows them the opportunity to explore this learning in any way they see fit to achieve it."

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Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey!

Personalised Learning: BCASCD roundtable

Personalised Learning:  BCASCD roundtable | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |

Last November, the members of the Metro Vancouver education community met to address the questions around Personalized Learning.  This blog offers a synopsis of the questions and ideas around this important topic.


"Four areas around Personalised Learning were discussed, with the intent of creating a working document demonstrating what Personalised Learning may look like at a class, school, district and provincial level. These areas were: stakeholders, structures, general competencies, skills and knowledge, and assessment and reporting. From these discussions, the following ideas emerged."

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Science Fairs are UDL, Personalized Learning

Science Fairs are UDL, Personalized Learning | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |

From Stephen Petrucci's blog, Leadership i Public Education, a connection is made between UDL and Personalized Learning. Here are some of the connections he has made:


"As we continue to search for ways to frame personalized learning in British Columbia, we can point to some practices that have been around for a long time - notably the Science Fair. Rather than pitting the philosophies of revolution vs evolution in our education system, I believe it is crucial to recognize what currently exists as excellent practice in personalized learning. This approach is very much in line with the appreciative inquiry model which encourages a focus on what is going well."


"The Science Fair project is an excellent example of "independent study" - a term we use in describing a personalized learning framework."


"Finally, it is clear to see how well a science fair project fits in the Universal Design for Learning framework through Multiple means of Representation, Multiple means of Action and Expression and Multiple means of Engagement."

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Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey!

Innovating Learning requires Innovating the Classroom too - "A Personalised Learning Approach"

Innovating Learning requires Innovating the Classroom too - "A Personalised Learning Approach" | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |

Kevin McLaughlin, a primary school teacher and Apple Distinguished Educator has initiated a "personalised learning approach" in his classroom. He has introduced the "Personal Journey" to students and it includes Numeracy, Literacy and an area where new discoveries can be recorded.   He has also designed The Learning Zone that is divided into 5 areas in his classroom:


1. Discussion and Thinking Zone – Learners can drop in whenever they wish to talk about their learning, find solutions, help each other and just to think and chill out. 
2. Discovery Zone – These contain laptops, pc’s and other technology that the learners can use to guide them on their learning, discover answers, investigate and solve problems, collaborate on projects and create presentations.
3. Show Off Zone – This is where the learners focus on discoveries they have made and demonstrate their understanding through writing, presentation, art work, display whatever medium they wish to present their work.
4. Repeat Level – This has evolved from my use of Gamification of learning and an approach that my class enjoy. Whenever any learner requires help, advice, explanations and is ‘stuck’ this is the area they come to repeat the learning so they can move to the next level.
5. Creation Zone – Creating content for use in their learning, creating presentations to demonstrate learning, blogging, refining, editing. It happens here and it’s usually very busy.


Thank you Kevin for sharing this innovative and personalised approach to learning!

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Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey!

Educating in the 21st Century - Edcamp Delta: A Personalized Learning Experience

Educating in the 21st Century - Edcamp Delta: A Personalized Learning Experience | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |

Aaron Akune, Vice Principal in BC, suggests that Edcamp Delta may be a vehicle to support personalized learning.  Here are his thought about Edcamps as British Columbia moves to personalized learning for every student.


"So, in British Columbia as we look to reshape education in a way that supports personalized learning, maybe we should be considering the success of recent Edcamps and borrow key aspects from the 'unconference' model of learning.


> Imagine how the notion of school might change if learners had the choice to investigate self-directed inquiry topics based on their curiosity and interests?
> Imagine if learners shared questions and problems with their local and global network and challenged each other to think critically and be creative problem-solvers.
> Imagine if learning was made more social, with more emphasis on learning together, where learners communicated, cooperated and collaborated in an effort to build shared knowledge and understanding?"

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Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey!

Personalised Learning with Learning Zones

Personalised Learning with Learning Zones | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |

This is the blog of Mr Edwards who teaches a year 2 class at Chad Varah Primary School,  Lincoln, England. He describes his classroom as a Learning Zone that includes iPads, personalised learning, free-flow learning, child initiated learning, twitter, fun and much more...


He has modeled his classroom from a colleague, Kevin McLaughlin.  He has redesigned his classroom into 5 learning zones:

> Discussion and thinking Zone

> Discovery Zone

> Demonstration Zone

> Group/Help Zone

> Creation Zone

lelapin's comment July 12, 2012 11:05 PM
The first thing tha came to mind when I read this was: Wow! The second was: where did hé get the money for that? Is it some kind of experimental class?
Thank you though for sharing Kathleen.
Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey!

JAMES MICHIE » ‘Leashes Not Required’ – A Google+ Hangout on Personalised Learning

JAMES MICHIE » ‘Leashes Not Required’ – A Google+ Hangout on Personalised Learning | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |

James Michie and Kevin McLaughlin are sponsoring a Google+ Hangout on April 25th to discuss their approaches to facilitate independent/personalised learning in our classrooms.


Discover why they are "Unwilling to be the ‘sage on the stage’, to spoon feed, teach to the test or over plan"  and why they  "both practice (and advocate) a student-centred approach to learning".

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Personalized Learning … What Is Your Perspective?

Personalized Learning … What Is Your Perspective? | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |

Richard provides his perspective about personalized learning from four different perspectives:


"When I think of personalized learning in light of these roles I find that my mind-set (perspective) can not help but influence my views.


as a …

Parent – I am all for personalized learning. I really am not all that concerned how it happens as long as it is good for my son and helps him develop the qualities of an engaged life-long learner.


as a …

Curriculum Developer – I find that personalized learning is not so much about the content of the curriculum (I am speaking of learning outcomes, in particular mathematics outcomes and processes) but about the modes through which students are able to meet the outcomes.


as a …

Student – I can only say yahoo. About time.


as a …

Teacher – I believe that personalized learning is a good thing for students and I hope to promote a classroom atmosphere that supports personalized learning. I am also really nervous about how this is to be done as my learning was certainly not personalized so I am working it out as I go."


What is your perspective?

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Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey!

William Brookes School - Personalising Education using Hargreaves' 9 Gateways

William Brookes School - Personalising Education using Hargreaves' 9 Gateways | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |

Williams Brookes School has adopted David Hargreaves' nine gateways to personalised learning and have described in detail what those gateways mean in relationship to teaching and learning. 


"Nine gateways were identified by David Hargreaves and others working to improve learning in schools over time:
1. incorporating student voice
2. embedding assessment for learning
3. developing learning to learn strategies
4. fully utilising new technologies
5. offering a good choice of curriculum pathways
6. routinely advising and guiding students through effective support structures
7. workforce development
8. mentoring and coaching
9. the organisation and design of the school."

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Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey!

National College for School Leadership - Leading Personalised Learning

National College for School Leadership - Leading Personalised Learning | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |

National College for School Leadership resources that will help you bring personalised learning to life in your school.


"This section will help you bring personalised learning to life in your school. It draws out the key points from the Leadership for Personalising Learning framework, and includes video clips, case studies from schools and a variety of practical activities and tools to support you. The framework, which was developed by Professor John West-Burnham for the National College, summarises the arguments for moving towards personalised learning, outlines the main components of personalised learning, suggests the management issues and implications and summarises the role of leadership"

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»The Virtual Staffroom Podcast» This is Personal

»The Virtual Staffroom Podcast» This is Personal | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |

In this podcast, Barbara Bray and I discuss personalized learning, differentiated instruction and Universal Design for Learning and how apps could support a persoanlized learning environment. Included in the resources is a link to "Personalized Learning Toolkits:  Designing New Pathways for Each Child".


Thanks to Chris Betcher for asking us to do this podcast!

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Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey!

BC's Education Plan Video - Taking Bold Steps to Personalise Learning for Every Student

One needs only to look at the buzz created by the release of British Columbia’s Education Plan by the Ministry of Education.


The Plan identifies five main features for change:

> Personalised learning for every student
> Quality teaching and learning
> Flexibility and choice
> High standards
> Learning empowered by technology

These elements may be somewhat obvious, but their articulation is significant because it provides a framework to guide the change that is necessary in the way that schools function.


From: - Realising the Revolution: Walk the Chalk

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