How to Create a Sales Enablement Culture for B2B - CMO Essentials | Sean's Sales Vitamins |


Here are some points to consider when creating a sales enablement function in your B2B company, or when adding sales enablement responsibilities to current sales and marketing executives.

1. Have A Strong Understanding Of Your Company Culture And How It Impacts The Grouping Of Your Sales And Marketing Teams.

Start actively creating an amicable bond between the department heads and execs.  This may sound challenging, but sales effectiveness research shows that 72% of top performing sales organizations report having strong or outstanding teamwork already in place, so it’s clearly in your company’s best interest.


2. Hold A Sales Journey Pow-Wow.

Set up a comprehensive sales and marketing pow-wow when you’re re-organizing the sales enablement process. Sit down both marketing and sales in one room, and have both departments map out the customer journey together, including buyer personas, and delegate the responsibilities of each department along the way as well. From an analytical standpoint, these meetings should provide measurable insights into both departments — especially as sales enablement research shows that 60% of Best-in-Class marketing teams have extensive insight into sales activities, and 73% of Best-in-Class sales teams have insight into marketing activities and marketing automation.


3. Celebrate Victories Together.

At the end of the month or quarter, both marketing and sales should produce a report outlining their successes. These reports should also note the challenges from that month or quarter, and why they were significant. Send the report out via email and allow employees to take their time going through the report and then schedule a follow-up meeting.  Use this time to discuss that quarter or month and use a whiteboard to agree on three key takeaways from sales and marketing’s efforts and set goals for the next time period.


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Via Joemktg