How Is Dark Social Affecting Your Brand? | Social Media |

The term “dark social” is kicked around every so often by marketers. But what is it, how does it affect your brand, and how you can measure it?

Messaging apps continue to be on the rise with no end in sight, and they come with a bunch of new opportunities for marketers. The prize: billions of active monthly users, including coveted millennial and Generation Z consumers. The four most popular messaging apps already have more monthly active users than the four major social networks. According to a recent estimate, 16 percent of the world’s population is using Whatsapp.

The marketing potential is endless. AI-based technologies are bridging the gap between users and brands on a one-to-one basis, offering bots for ordering pizza and settling customer service questions in private.

There are great examples on how brands are leveraging this, but the age of messenger communication also comes with a new set of challenges that already have an impact on your brand. The question is: How big is that impact, and how are brands supposed to measure it?...

Via Jeff Domansky