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How to Create and Present a Highly Effective Value Proposition - Quick Sprout

How to Create and Present a Highly Effective Value Proposition - Quick Sprout | The MarTech Digest |
There’s no perfect way to display your proposition. It’s not like there’s a blueprint that has specific requirements. With that said, there are certain components you should consider when coming up with this display on your website.

1) Start with a headline. Keep it short, and try to grab the customer’s attention.

2) Next, create a subheader. It will be slightly longer than your headline, adding a little bit more information. The subheader should be specific.

3) You’ll also want to come up with a few sentences that describe your brand, product, or services in greater detail. It’s always helpful to include some bullet points that outline some of your top benefits or key features.

4) Images work well too. Visuals help make the customer understand exactly what you’re offering or how the product works.
Joemktg's insight:

How to Create and Present a Highly Effective Value Proposition - Quick Sprout


This snippet focuses on the presentation. Click through on how to create.


Click/tap to view the original article.

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Value Proposition: Free tool to help marketing teams discover their brand’s and products’ value prop | MarketingExperiments

Value Proposition: Free tool to help marketing teams discover their brand’s and products’ value prop | MarketingExperiments | The MarTech Digest |
So when my colleague Steve Stone whipped out a simple Excel tool he created in an internal meeting in which we were working on a value proposition, I thought MarketingExperiments blog readers might find it helpful — a small piece to help your team collaborate on discovering your company’s value proposition and include feedback from all internal, agency, vendor and partner stakeholders in an easy and systematic way.

Just click on the link below to download. No email address form fill required.
Joemktg's insight:

Here's the link:


Visualize your Marketing Stack. marketingIO will analyze your marketing technology and deliver a visual of your MarTech Stack. Free. Go here: 


marketingIO: MarTech for B2B Marketers. Strategy, Software, Services, Support, Staffing.  Go here to submit RFQs: #MarTech #DigitalMarketing

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Benefits and Value Statements: Not the Same Thing - Gartner

Benefits and Value Statements: Not the Same Thing - Gartner | The MarTech Digest |
Survey data that we’ve obtained from technology buyers – both from IT and lines of business (slightly more from LOB, actually) – tell us that value assessments are among the most important sets of information within a buying process. Whether this means ROI calculation, implementation timetables, or other content from which a buyer can gain an idea of what success looks like after the deal closes, contextual explanations of value delivery must be part of a salesperson’s arsenal. It isn’t enough to rest one’s laurels on benefits alone, since they may not apply consistently to each organization. The feature of machine learning applied to predictive maintenance of plant assets might provide the benefit of cost savings, but an oil refinery will recognize the resulting value in a different way than will an automotive manufacture or a municipality operating a transit system.

Joemktg's insight:

Value assessments! So here's a hint to help you out: when a quantitative business model is built out for a prospect, what are the results?


Visualize your Marketing Stack. marketingIO will analyze your marketing technology and deliver a visual of your MarTech Stack. Free. Go here: 


marketingIO: MarTech for B2B Marketers. Strategy, Software, Services, Support, Staffing.  Go here to submit RFQs: #MarTech #DigitalMarketing

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The Three Cs of Messaging and Positioning in Marketing: Pick Any Two - Gartner

The Three Cs of Messaging and Positioning in Marketing: Pick Any Two - Gartner | The MarTech Digest |
Clear, compelling or complete: pick any two.

You see, while each of these things are important aspirations, they often work at cross purposes. Your efforts to be clear are undermined by your efforts to be complete, which are undermined by your efforts to be compelling. Something has got to give.

Because when you aim for clarity you’re forced to leave something behind. Same is true when compelling is your goal. You simply can’t capture it all and expect it to be each of these things.

As I’ve said before, positioning is an exercise in sacrifice. It’s bound by constraints. And when you try to defy these immutable laws, you end up with messaging that fails on each of these dimensions.
Joemktg's insight:

All sitting on a base of Concise.


marketingIO: MarTech for B2B Marketers. Strategy, Software, Services, Support, Staffing.  Go here to submit RFQs. #MarTech #DigitalMarketing

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Six Reasons Why Your Positioning and Messaging Probably Isn’t Working - Gartner

Six Reasons Why Your Positioning and Messaging Probably Isn’t Working - Gartner | The MarTech Digest |
  • Buzzword bingo
  • Verbosity and smart talk
  • Special snowflake syndrome—I see companies that grow rather fond of their own secret sauce. 
  • Hoarder complex—Their messaging becomes a catchall of everything that was every uttered or thought, a potpourri of ideas present and past. 
  • FOMO—Marketers often attach their wares to whatever trend is drawing heat and light, diluting its meaning for themselves and others. 
  • Me-too
Joemktg's insight:

Not having a fun time with IT? Contact us: we can act as your buffer to get the job done. #MarTech #DigitalMarketing

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Why Your UVP Isn't as Important as You Think It Is (and What Matters More) - Kissmetrics

Why Your UVP Isn't as Important as You Think It Is (and What Matters More) - Kissmetrics | The MarTech Digest |
As it turns out, UVP isn’t as important as we think it is. CEB research surveyed 3,000 B2B buyers across 36 brands and 7 industries and revealed that only 14% of buyers perceive enough meaningful difference between brands’ business value to be willing to pay extra for that difference. Unless you’re selling something truly revolutionary—solving a problem that has not yet been solved in any way, shape, or form—your UVP is pretty much the same as your best competitors’ UVPs. Although there are subtle differences, your prospects are saying they’re not willing to pay for them. So you end up competing on price.

Joemktg's insight:

CT for the recommended actions.


Remember: the value prop is the singular statement upon which your whole marketing and sales approach is based. It's not the value prop statement that's important to the prospect, but your whole magilla.


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7 of the Best Value Proposition Examples We’ve Ever Seen | WordStream

7 of the Best Value Proposition Examples We’ve Ever Seen | WordStream | The MarTech Digest |
7. Uber – The Smartest Way to Get Around

6. Apple iPhone – The Experience IS the Product

5. Unbounce – A/B Testing Without Tech Headaches

4. Slack – Be More Productive at Work with Less Effort

3. Digit – Save Money Without Thinking About It

2. LessAccounting – Bookkeeping, Without the Hassle

1. CrazyEgg – Website Behavior Tracking at an Unbeatable Price
Joemktg's insight:

Not value props at all. What are they?...


marketingIO: One Source for All Marketing Technology Challenges. See our solutions.  

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Does your value prop make customers say, “I want this product or offer”? | MarketingExperiments Blog

Does your value prop make customers say, “I want this product or offer”? | MarketingExperiments Blog | The MarTech Digest |

marketingIO: One Source for All Marketing Technology Challenges. See our solutions

Joemktg's insight:

MECLABS are the experts in value prop construction.

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Effective Value Messaging: The Definitive Guide — myxyx via Medium

Effective Value Messaging: The Definitive Guide — myxyx via Medium | The MarTech Digest |

marketingIO: One Source for All Marketing Technology Challenges. See our solutions

Joemktg's insight:

Just tremendous. A great outline to follow for value messaging. CT for details.

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Discover the Power of the “Only-Factor” to Drive Conversion | MarketingExperiments

Discover the Power of the “Only-Factor” to Drive Conversion | MarketingExperiments | The MarTech Digest |

marketingIO: One Source for All Marketing Technology Challenges. See our solutions

Joemktg's insight:

The value of the value prop in action. Click through for more detail.

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Value Proposition Copywriting - MECLABS

5 word pictures that got more people to buy

marketingIO: One Source for All Marketing Technology Challenges. See our solutions

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The problem with value propositions - Gartner

The problem with value propositions - Gartner | The MarTech Digest |

marketingIO: One Source for All Marketing Technology Challenges. See our solutions

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Writing an Effective Unique Value Proposition (Infographic) - Kissmetrics

Writing an Effective Unique Value Proposition (Infographic) - Kissmetrics | The MarTech Digest |

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5 Tools to Show Your Value Proposition - Roomjoom

5 Tools to Show Your Value Proposition - Roomjoom | The MarTech Digest |

MarTech is the New Black. Get fashionable. Contact us to see how.

Joemktg's insight:

Tools to help with that which we often struggle: the value prop.

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Direct from the Source: What a value proposition is, what it isn’t and the 5 questions it must answer | MarketingExperiments Blog

Direct from the Source: What a value proposition is, what it isn’t and the 5 questions it must answer | MarketingExperiments Blog | The MarTech Digest | bridges the gap between your MarTech and your in-house experience. Contact us.

Joemktg's insight:

Solid rules surrounding the development of a value prop. Smart.

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Ecommerce Eye Candy - How to Write a Great Value Proposition [Infographic] - cleverbridge

Ecommerce Eye Candy - How to Write a Great Value Proposition [Infographic] - cleverbridge | The MarTech Digest |

► About Us: iNeoMarketing provides Marketing Technology services, applications and support to B2B companies who do not have the required resources, knowledge or expertise. Visit us at ◄

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How to Write a Great Value Proposition [Infographic] - HubSpot

How to Write a Great Value Proposition [Infographic] - HubSpot | The MarTech Digest |

It's the core of your messaging.

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Any Value Proposition Hinges on the Answer to One Question - HBR

Any Value Proposition Hinges on the Answer to One Question - HBR | The MarTech Digest |


Any strategy lives or dies on the basis of its customer value proposition. There are many typologies relevant to crafting a value proposition, because there are many ways to win customers. But the key issue is always: what is the center-of-gravity in our approach? Do we ultimately compete on the basis of our cost structure (e.g., Ryanair and Wal-Mart) or another basis that increases our target customer’s willingness-to-pay (e.g., Singapore Airlines and Nordstrom)? In other words, will we sell it for more or make it for less — and allocate sales resources accordingly?


Strategy requires choice, clear communication, and coherent performance management practices, not just stirring metaphors, with the people who deal with customers. A moment of truth is the customer value proposition. Clarity about that will help your salespeople (and everyone else) focus more efficiently, qualify customers more effectively, and allow your firm to allocate resources more profitably.



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Joemktg's insight:

Indeed it is the basic question that needs to be addressed before focusing on any other aspect of the value prop. The easy part is answering the question. The hard part is to coalesce the organization behind it.

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How to Write a Great Value Proposition - QuickSprout

How to Write a Great Value Proposition - QuickSprout | The MarTech Digest |

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Value Proposition for Startups: 3 questions every startup must have the courage to answer | MarketingSherpa Blog

Value Proposition for Startups: 3 questions every startup must have the courage to answer | MarketingSherpa Blog | The MarTech Digest |


Question #1. How will you not serve?

A business cannot be all things to all people without diluting the power of its value proposition. By its nature, a specific value proposition must appeal to a particular prospect type. This can be counterintuitive, but knowing who your customers are necessitates knowing who your customers are not. Recognizing this distinction is essential.


Question #2. What will your product not do?

Somewhere along the way, we started believing that more is always better, but when it comes to product (or offer)-level value propositions, “more” often means diffusion. More is only better when more is actually better. Many companies do “more” in an effort to make up for the fact that they do not excel in any one thing.


Question #3. When will you not compete? 

Finally, achieving a strategic competitive advantage does not mean you must compete with your competitors on every possible level (price, service, speed, quality, etc.). The reality is that a company cannot feasibly compete on all fronts. Just as an athlete must give himself or herself completely to one sport, a startup must give itself to one competitive advantage. But don’t think this has to be a secret. Customers can know what your strengths, and weaknesses, are.



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Joemktg's insight:

A brilliant set of three questions that apply not only to start-ups, but to any company of any size. Take your value prop, and apply these questions to it.

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Data Geek or Storyteller? Today’s CMO Must Excel at Both | Convince and Convert

Data Geek or Storyteller? Today’s CMO Must Excel at Both | Convince and Convert | The MarTech Digest |
No one can deny that data is enlightening. Its signals tell us who our audiences are, where to find them, and how they’re influenced. But does it trump storytelling? Today's CMO requires a healthy mix of analytics experience and creativity to be successful.


Let’s be honest: The storyteller has taken a beating over the past five or so years thanks to the rise of programmatic marketing in particular, but also in no small part to the cornucopia of marketing automation technologies that let marketers measure everything.


Tesla is an example of how the pendulum is swinging back. The company’s mission is to reduce the consumer’s carbon footprint and eliminate dependency on fossil fuels. Though highly driven by its mission, one rarely hears the company talk about it. Instead, focus is on creating the best driving experience that also happens to be good for the environment.


Today’s successful CMOs are data-geeky storytellers.



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Joemktg's insight:

I don't think anyone has said that its one thing or another. You can't have a marketing strategy without a value proposition and messaging.

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Value Proposition: 4 key questions to help you slice through hype | MarketingExperiments

Value Proposition: 4 key questions to help you slice through hype | MarketingExperiments | The MarTech Digest |


Question #1. Is our claim tangible? 

Our senses love being rewarded, so if your claim offers tangible value, the nature of it should connect directly to the customer experience.


Question #2. Is our claim relevant to customers’ needs?

The power of relevance rests in crafting copy that deals directly with any key concerns already present in the mind of a customer.


Question #3. Is our claim unique?

Identifying and expressing the exclusivity and appeal of the differentiators your product or service offers is the best way to avoid the pitfall of “me too” marketing claims.


Question #4. Is our claim true? 

Claims that underperform have a greater tendency for being generic. The best thing you can do to add credibility to generic claims is strip them down and add quantifying values your product offers that are relevant to customer pain points.


Ultimately, these four questions serve one purpose: transparency.



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Joemktg's insight: empathy.

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Three Scientifically Proven Tests to Select a Name That Works - Profs

Three Scientifically Proven Tests to Select a Name That Works - Profs | The MarTech Digest |


Here are three simple tests to select a name that works.

1. Is your name easy to say?

Forget Greek, forget Latin, forget inventing new words. The very first (and most important!) test comes down to fluency: Is your name easy to say?


2. Does your name clearly describe who you are or what you do?

If you have to explain, translate, unpack, justify, or do anything else other than just say your name, something's gone wrong. Your name should be screamingly obvious. Again, clarity trumps creativity... and absolutely murders clever.


3. Is your name about them or you?

You know who "them" are, right? "Them" are your prospects, your customers, your audience. Like everything in marketing, your name should be about "them," not about "you." To be effective, your name should be about the people you're trying to reach. Your name should address their problems, their fears, their solutions, and their hopes. It should hint at the hell from which you'll deliver them and the heaven to which you'll save them.



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Joemktg's insight:

A post for SMBs. So difficult.

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Three Secrets of Selling Services: Solving Problems - Forbes

Three Secrets of Selling Services: Solving Problems - Forbes | The MarTech Digest |


As you’re leading the sales conversation, you can talk specifically about people obstacles. People problems come in all shapes and sizes:

-- >  Recruiting top talent

-- >  Employee engagement

-- >  Recognition and reward

-- >  Communication and collaboration

-- >  Silos and turf wars


Entire industries have been built around business process improvements. Process problems show up as inefficiencies, gaps, missed opportunities, too many steps, too much paperwork, or too many layers between customer and company:

-- >  Customer service

-- >  Delivery

-- >  Marketing

-- >  Regulatory compliance

-- >  Strategic planning


Profit problems are varied as well:

-- >  So that you sell more

-- >  So that you cut costs

-- >  So that you avoid discounting

-- >  So that you open new markets

-- >  So that you expand your product line



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Joemktg's insight:

Important guideposts for value prop development.

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Emotion Beats Data in B2B Decision Making: Study - Chief Marketer

Emotion Beats Data in B2B Decision Making: Study - Chief Marketer | The MarTech Digest |
65% of executives responding to a new survey from gyro and The Fortune Group say that subjective factors that can’t be quantified make a difference when evaluating competing proposals.


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Joemktg's insight:

To download the executive summary, visit

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