Effective Executive Job Search
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Effective Executive Job Search
Most executives conduct an ineffective job search. Learn the inside secrets of how to conduct a job search by two of the most well-known executives recruiters.
Curated by Barry Deutsch
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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 30, 2012 2:49 AM

Self-Google or Doom Your Executive Job Search | Executive Career Brand

Self-Google or Doom Your Executive Job Search | Executive Career Brand | Effective Executive Job Search | Scoop.it
Know what the people who have a hand in hiring you will find when they Google your name. (Hiring managers are googling you. What kind of online footprint do you leave?

This one is very scary. When I do this with executive candidates sitting across the desk from me - sometimes they are stunned by what shows up on a Google Search.

Do you know what others are saying about you? Do you have any negative "publicity"? How do overcome negative comments about you on-line?

Barry Deutsch


IMPACT Hiring Solutions


Have you test-driven our Job Search Workbook - This is NOT the Position I Accepted

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
April 26, 2012 9:15 PM

10 Job Search Blunders I Find Hard to Believe

10 Job Search Blunders I Find Hard to Believe | Effective Executive Job Search | Scoop.it
This is a great article! 10 job search blunders I find hard to believe. (Are you making any of these mistakes #jobseekers?

Barry Deutsch


IMPACT Hiring Solutions


Have you test-driven our Job Search Workbook - This is NOT the Position I Accepted

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