Interesting article documenting what job search looked like 10-20 years ago. The author of the article talks about how most companies use automated screening to review resumes.
The author makes the claim that all companies except for a small percentage, do automated screening of candidates.
This is just not true. I work with thousands of companies in the small business arena for a couple of the largest CEO networks in the world, including Vistage, TEC, and EO. These companies in the $5-$50 million range DO NOT typically have automated solution - resumes are still reviewed manually.
Secondly, Phil Rosenberg talks about the need to be more specific and target your resume and cover letter for specific roles. I've mentioned this idea numerous times on our blog, it's a core element of our job search methodology, and it's frequently brought up as a topic in our LInkedIn Discussion Group.
Generic and one-size-fits-all resumes and cover letters do you a disservice in your job search. This approach is like akin to the shotgun approach of spraying everywhere - it doesn't work.
A better approach is a more targeted plan with multiple custom developed resumes and cover letters for specific roles you are interested in evaluating.
Barry Deutsch
IMPACT Hiring Solutions\
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