What does fit mean in the job search and interview process? If you've gotten turned down for "fit", definitely read this post!
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Barry Deutsch
onto Effective Executive Job Search January 3, 2013 3:23 PM
I liked the way the author broke down the key considerations when a hiring decision is being made.
Obviously, fit is a critical component. The problem is that everyone defines fit differently. Layered on top of that are issues related to cloning the last person in the role (or anti-cloning if they failed), desperation hiring, 1st impressions, bias and emotions. and on the list goes.
As a candidate in the hiring process, it's important to convey 3 things:
1. How you are able to get along with a wide range of "boss" personalities. Giving examples is important.
2. Being open about your own style and behaviors and showing a little vulnerability outside of the stupid interview question: What are your weaknesses?
3. Alignment with the company values and culture. The only way to figure this one out is to ask lots of questions, and seek out people who work at or have worked at the company in the past through social media, like LinkedIn.
Barry Deutsch
IMPACT Hiring Solutions
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