"In a tough jobs market, every opportunity to interact with a potential employer must be capitalised upon to the fullest extent."
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Barry Deutsch
onto Effective Executive Job Search January 5, 2013 6:40 PM
Ronald Sampson writing on the B2C blog digresses from the usual discusison of internet and content marketing to talk about mistakes that job search candidates make in the application process.
He numbers it as #2 - but I might rank it up there as the #1 job search mistake:
Failing to tailor your application
You know exactly what the hiring manager is seeking from the advertisement. It's crystal clear - yet how many times have you sent your "generic resume and cover letter". For me, these go right into the trash can after a 7 second review.
Why would you not take a few minutes to precisely and clearly address the issues, skills, impact the hiring manager has described in their ad. Who cares about all the other things you can do that are irrelevant to the most important criteria for success in the job?
This shotgun or random approach to sending in resumes in response to ads is at best predicated on hope and luck. Are you willing to stake you future on a roll of the dice?
Barry Deutsch
IMPACT Hiring Solutions
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