Job-Hunt Like an Executive
Give up on that mewly job-search process, and reach your hiring-managers-in-pain directly.
Scooped by
Barry Deutsch
onto Effective Executive Job Search February 25, 2014 8:39 PM
Liz Ryan writes an interesting piece where she suggests you might want to think like an executive in your job search and focus your communication - leading up to getting the interview and during the interview - on the pain points your potential boss is experiencing.
One of the common suggestions I start with in my job search coaching is explaining how you MUST in the first 5 minutes of the interview get the question on the table:
"How will you measure my success over the next year?"
"A year from now what will I have achieved in this role for you to feel you made the right hiring decision?"
"What are the top 3 things I need to solve in this role for you to feel you made the right decision in hiring me?"
NOT getting at a hiring manager's pain points means you will become a victim of box-checking against the job description - an assessment no one can pass.
Why not turn the whole process around by putting the hiring manager into a consultative discussion mode instead of a box-checking mode?
Barry Deutsch
Master Job Search Coach
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